Language matters

People at work will often tell me that, “words are important”. I agree, I think language is important and the power of it is underused in a work context. For some reason, the moment we enter the workplace we seem to lose all sense of the human vocabulary that we would normally use to interact with people and develop an entirely different language.

It sucks.

But that’s not really today’s point, I could write diatribe after diatribe on the stupidity of business speak – but neither you nor I have time. No, what really annoys me is the passive dominant language that people use;

“I know you’re on holiday, but” 

I know you’re on holiday, but my issue is more important than your relaxation time….


I am going to assert that whatever piece of nonsense I am propogating is actually something that you would want to read. You cannot possibly have chosen not to read it….


I think this information is important, I don’t give a shit what you think….

I could go on.

Next time you’re talking to someone, writing to someone, thinking of using any words for any purpose, try to think about the reader. Try for once not to write for yourself, think about yourself or your need. Think about the individual, what do they need, want, desire?

If what you’re writing is interesting, useful and helpful enough, the reader will come to you. And for the love of God. Please stop with the passive dominant phrases.